Thursday, November 29
Objective: I can identify significant literary devices in a writer’s style
and use those elements to interpret the text.
Activating Strategy: Read the Five-Minute Mystery script. Using your inferencing skills, determine why Mr. Getty is going to be arrested for his friend Patsy's murder.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. What clues did I get from the text?
2. What images did I create in my head as I read?
3. What background knowledge do I have?
My Pal Patsy
Teaching Strategy:
1. In table groups, students will have five minutes to compare/amend their poetry study guide answers.
2. As a whole group, we will review the answers to the study guide and clarify any questions about the content.
Guided Practice:
1. Ms. Grinnell will model the procedures for the poetry elements scavenger hunt.
Independent Practice:
1. Students will have two minutes at each poetry book station. Once at the station, the students look through the book to find at least one of the elements of poetry listed on their scavenger hunt. The students will record the information on their worksheet and transfer to the next station once time is called.
Students will complete the figurative language exit slip.