Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Assignments and rubrics

Here is the link to the news report template:News report. Either make a copy and save to your Google Drive or print a copy and handwrite your responses. You may choose any news article that interests you. Although not required, I would suggest you consider finding an article about conflict or war so that you can incorporate some of the material during our Global Conflict unit class discussions. The completed news report is due by Tuesday, 9/2/14. You can submit through email or just turn it in on Tuesday. Please remember that spelling and grammar errors count against your final score. Turn in your best work.

Click this link for the News report Rubric: Rubric

Model of excellent news report
Model of poor news report

Here are the slides we viewed today about writing objective summaries: objective summary ppt.

Bio Poem:
Follow the template below to create a bio poem. This will help me get to know you a little better. This is due Tuesday as well. Either submit on paper or through email.

Click this link for the Bio Poem rubric: Bio Poem Rubric

(First name)-
(Four adjectives that describe the person)
Son or Daughter of (your parents names)
Lover of (three different things that the person loves)
Who feels (three different feelings and when or where they are felt)
Who gives (three different things the person gives)
Who fears (three different fears the person has)
Who would like to see (three different things the person would like to see)
Who lives (a brief description of where the person lives)

-(last name)

Monday, August 25, 2014

     Hello eighth graders! It is great to be back! I have high expectations for you this year and I know you will bring your best self to class every day. After reading several current educational resources this summer, I came to the realization that student choice is a motivating factor in reading and writing instruction. Therefore, this year you will have many opportunities to pick your own reading material and choose writing tasks that interest you while also aligning with our curriculum. Get ready to write!

In class: We will review, model, and practice classroom procedures.

Homework: Review course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian and complete the questionnaire. This is due on Friday. Please be open, honest, and descriptive with your responses.

In class: We will take a pre-assessment for Unit One's mastery skills.

Homework: Read your independent reading book for 30 minutes.

In class: We will find current examples of conflict in the nation and go over the News Report assignment. We will critique examples of quality work and subpar work. We will take Cornell Notes about objective summary and practice writing our own objective summaries.

Homework: Read your independent reading book for 30 minutes. Work on your News Report.

In class: We will review conflict in literature and make real life connections to types of global conflict. We will preview our concept map for the Global Conflict Unit In small groups, we will read "Stop the Sun," a short story by Gary Paulsen. Students will analyze elements of fiction within the story.

Homework: Parent/guardian and student to sign syllabus and complete the questionnaire. Complete the News Report, making sure to have at least one person proofread it before submission. Work on the bio poem (due Tuesday).

In class: At the beginning of class, we will briefly discuss a few upcoming writing contest opportunities. Students will then meet in small groups to present and discuss their News Reports. Students will also work in small groups to brainstorm the costs of war. Groups will use spider map graphic organizers to categorize their ideas. Students will email Mr. Giblin a picture of their graphic organizers so the data can be analyzed, discussed, and refined in his class during this cross-curricular unit.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes. Develop a SMART goal for language arts.