Monday, November 30, 2015

Week of 11/30-12/4

This week, we are writing our Forensic Anthropology essay. Check your Google Classroom for the essay prompt, graphic organizer, and rubric. Type your essay after the graphic organizer on the project sheet.

Make sure your essay is in MLA format: header, double-spaced, Times New Roman 10 or 12 point font, parenthetical citations, Works Cited page.

Here is a document with the ACES format: ACES format -- What goes in each paragraph?
Make sure to use this to help you structure your essay!

You must use parenthetical citations to give credit to your sources in the text of your paper. For the citations, please just put the author's name and the page number you found the evidence on: (Steinberg 7). If you are using either of Angela Libal's works, you will need to include an abbreviated version of the title to differentiate between the two texts: (Libal, "Identifying" 38). If you reference the author in the sentence, you can just use the page number in the parenthetical citation (unless you are using one of Libal's text--then, you must give the abbreviated title before the page number).

Here are the warm-ups in case you weren't here:
Monday: Choose a reading goal for our daily silent reading. Explain why you chose this goal. Examples of possible goals
○  Increase reading grade level.
○  Learn new words
○  Increase reading stamina - read for longer time periods without interruption
○  Improve comprehension of reading○  Improve recognition of figurative

Tuesday: Write your reaction to what you read today. Did anything exciting occur? Is your story dull? Did a character do something obnoxious or suprising?

Write at least 5 sentences with specific details from the text. Use parenthetical citations when citing evidence. Ex: (Rowling 5).

Wednesday: Briefly (1 sentence) describe something thoughtful you have done for another person. Then, reflect on the protagonist in your book. Would/he or she ever show the same type of kindness to someone? Why or why not? Use textual evidence from the book. Make sure to include parenthetical citations. Ex: (Grinnell 14-15) or Grinnell writes, "Blah, blah, blah, and so on and so forth" (44-45).

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, 11/19

Our Forensic Anthropology unit brought up several interesting points about race. Let's explore that a bit today. We will review the following links and have a class discussion. Go through that following links and jot down some notes that are interesting or important.
Do this activity: diversity 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, 11/17

  1. Work on “Playing with Perceptions” assignment in Google Classroom. This is due Friday at 11:59 pm.
  2. Periods 1-3: Vocabulary due Wednesday. Periods 6-7: Vocabulary due Thursday.

*If you haven’t turned in your Central Idea chart for “Identifying the Victim”, please do this ASAP!
*Periods 1 & 2, if you would like to resubmit your Air Conditioning Essay after making revisions, please do. The redo is optional.
*Periods 3, 6, & 7, as you receive your Air Conditioning Essays back, please read my comments and look over the scored rubric. If you want to make revisions and resubmit, you may. This redo is optional.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015



  1. Students should read the entire text "Identifying the Victim" through once, circling new words as they are reading.

  1. After reading,  students should complete the Line #’s column and the Context Clues column of the vocabulary sheet: "Identifying the Victim" vocabulary chart. Vocabulary chart must be completed by the end of class on Friday.

    3) After they complete the vocabulary sheet, they should read the entire text a second time and annotate as follows:
    • Circle names, dates, places, statistics, and new vocabulary words
    • Underline anything that can help them figure out central idea (recurring images, supporting details, significant moments, text features, author’s purpose)
    • Write in the margins any questions or confusions they may have, clarifications, connections to the other texts, or other responses to what they are reading.


When they are done with annotating, they should draw an annotations chart that looks like this in their Reader/Writer Notebook:

Line #’s
Central Idea
Paraphrase of Supporting ideas
Explanation of
how supporting ideas
relate to the central idea






Central Idea of entire article:

Students will work with their table partners to complete this chart. The chart is due by Friday at the beginning of class.

Begin homework: 

1. Watch 2 out of the 5 TED talks in the segment "Playing with Perceptions":
(#1 and #4 are Ms. Grinnell's favorites, but you should choose the ones that "speak" to you.)

2. Use the knowledge gained from each of the TED talks to complete the assignment on your Google Classroom. Completed assignment is due by Friday 11/20 at 11:59 pm.
"Playing With Perceptions" Google Classroom Assignment:

Veteran's Day Holiday
Homework: Work on "Playing With Perceptions" assignment. Work on annotations chart.

Field Trip
Homework: Work on "Playing With Perceptions" assignment. Work on annotations chart.

Complete annotation chart and vocabulary chart. Turn in by the end of class. For those who are finished, we will have a jigsaw activity and class discussion regarding the following questions:
1) Which aspect of identifying a biological profile does Libal see as most exact? How do you know?
2) Which does Libal see as least exact? How do you know?
3) What is a central idea for the entire text and how can you support it?
4) Which writing methods does Libal use in this text to convey complex ideas and information? How do these methods work?
5) Which methods do you find most effective given her purpose and audience?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week of 11/2 - 11/6

Essential Question:
How can figurative language contribute to the meaning of a text?
Learning Targets: 

  • I will discuss the definitions of various types of figurative language with my group.
  • I will construct a chart of examples of figurative language that I am already familiar with.
  • I will identify figurative language in "Dead Men Talking" and analyze the impact of its use in the text. 
  • I will demonstrate understanding by completing a figurative language graphic organizer and responding to a Quickwrite prompt.
Class materials:
Here is the article to use when completing the graphic organizer: "Dead Men Talking: Solving Crime Through Science"

Read your independent reading book for 30 minutes. Parents and guardians, please check to make sure your child is reading a piece of classic literature. If they do not have a book, please help them acquire one as soon as possible. Students are still coming to class without their books and I have noticed that many are not consistently reading their books. This is not acceptable. If your child does not have access to the library, please let me know so I can help him/her acquire a book. Thank you!