Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Context clues lesson

1. Watch the context clues video (posted below) to review different strategies for finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Read the following handout: Four ways to use context clues.

3. Practice using context clues. Complete the Context clues practice activity and turn in to Ms. Grinnell. Here's some background music about context clues: Flocabulary

4. As you read your autobiography/biography/memoir, complete this skills sheet: Context clues graphic organizer.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cabin fever? Here is some Snow Day stuff to keep your vocabulary skills up to snuff

Here are some awesome analogy quizzes to help you find relationships between words:
Miller Analogies Test

If you've finished your ACES essay on the CIA Torture Report, feel free to email it to me over the weekend. Otherwise, turn it in on Monday at the beginning of class.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Pre-assessment answer form: answer form
Transfer your answers from the paper answer sheet to this Google form. Make sure you type your name where requested. Be careful to put the answers with their corresponding numbers.

Complete ACES form using your Persuasion Map. Turn in ACES response, both articles, and your Persuasion Map in at the bin at the back of the room.

Biography/Autobiography Reading Workshop will begin next week. We will go to the school library for books. If you prefer to find a challenging biography for yourself at the public library this weekend, feel free to do so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday through Friday, 2/11-2/13

Complete your persuasion map for the upcoming essay.
Essay prompt:
Should the Federal Government implement stricter controls on reports of CIA activity in the future?

Persuasion map instructions:
In the Introduction box, write a thesis statement. To do this, just flip the question into a statement that supports your claim.

Main Reasons:
In these boxes write the most compelling reasons that defend your thesis. If you are struggling to find a third reason, you can write a counterargument for Main Reason #3.

Facts or examples:
Use the texts from class ("Pro/Con", "Is Terror Ever Justified?") to find evidence to support your reasons. All evidence on the persuasion map must be cited with parenthetical citations; e.g. (Smith 6).

Sum up your main points in one to two sentences.

This is a framework for our essay, so fill it out as completely as you can.

Thursday and Friday:
Biography/Autobiography Unit pre-assessment
Transfer information from persuasion map into ACES template.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Note card tips

Do not overcrowd your physical note cards! Only put the source name and key phrases to jog your memory. The more you write on your note cards, the more likely you are to read directly from them.

Here is an example of an effective note card. (Pulled from Bonnie's digital notes - Thanks, Bonnie!)


Direct Quote: "No wonder this medium-sized cat has been called the GHOST CAT of the Himalayas.

  • spots in DISTINCT ROWS
  • know as being very ELUSIVE

Monday, February 2, 2015

Presentation Specifications

Presentation requirements and tips

2/2/15: By 8 PM, share your final Outline/Script with Ms. Grinnell
2/3/15: Work on your visual presentation. Prepare notecards. Work on grammar worksheet.
2/4/15: Practice your presentation. Finish grammar worksheet.
2/5 and 2/6: Presentations in class. Linking verbs/Subject complement worksheet due.

Scaffolded script template:

Linking verbs tutorial: Linking Verbs
Predicate Adjective/Predicate Noun tutorial: Predicate Adjective/Predicate Noun
Use an adverb with an action verb.
Use an adjective with a linking verb.