Tuesday, June 9, 2015

School Climate Assessment Survey

Hi all!
In order to help the Culbreth Equity Team figure out how to better meet the needs of all students, we would like for you to complete an anonymous Climate Assessment survey. This survey is optional (meaning you don't have to take it), but the information you provide will be very valuable in helping make Culbreth a better school for all students, teachers, and staff. Your answers will be kept anonymous and your email address and specific identifying information will not be recorded. The anonymity is to make you feel more comfortable giving very honest responses. There will be no implications or repercussions from your responses. We are just trying to collect data for school improvement. Thank you for considering this survey!

Below is some information from the National School Climate Center that might help you decide whether or not you want to take this survey:

What is school climate?
School climate refers to the quality and character of school life as it relates to norms and values, interpersonal relations and social interactions, and organizational processes and structures. School climate sets the tone for all the learning and teaching done in the school environment and, as research proves, it is predictive of students’ ability to learn and develop in healthy ways.
Why is school climate important?
Research proves that a positive school climate directly impacts telling indicators of success such as increased teacher retention, lower dropout rates, decreased incidences of violence, and higher student achievement. 
Why measure school climate?
Measuring your school climate is the first step toward improving your school climate. Schools are using CSCI to measure, evaluate and improve their school climate for a variety of reasons:
  • To conduct a school-wide needs assessment. The Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) evaluates your school's current climate for learning and identifies areas that need improvement. The assessment provides answers to the concerns vital to school success, such as: Is my school safe? Do students and faculty believe they are learning in a safe environment? What areas, if any, could use improvement? Are there subsets of the school community who perceive the school climate more negatively than others? Do we have effective rules and norms? How can this information be used to promote student learning and positive school improvement?

Survey Link: 