Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10th

Monday, December 10th

Do now: Use it or lose it handout - Answer #1-5 in your writer's notebook.

Essential Question: How does the theme or central idea of a novel impact the story elements, such as character, setting, and plot?

Activating Strategy: Discuss target strategies to identify theme
-What is the lesson the protagonist must learn?
-Are there patterns or repeating occurrences in the text?
-What is the genre of the book? What themes occur frequently within this genre?
-What mistakes or difficult choices must the character learn from?

Guided Practice: Nickel and Dimed read-aloud
As I read a couple of pages of Nickel and Dimed, try to find answers to some of the target strategy questions. What theme can we determine from today's reading? How does this theme impact the protagonist, the setting, and the plot?

Independent Practice: Story Map
Trace the Story Organizer graphic organizer onto a sheet of looseleaf paper. This will be the next entry in your TOC. As you read your historical fiction novel, input as much information as you can into the graphic organizer. Based on this information and details in your novel, what are some potential themes from your book? What relationship is there between your novel's theme and its story elements?

Summary: Discuss your responses with your small group.

Homework: Work on your reading log. It's due Friday!

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