Friday, November 1, 2013


Hello all! Steps 5-10 of your Utopia project are due today. By now you should have submitted them to me as paper documents, Google folders, or through email. I'm going to check them for completion this weekend.

I hope you have been talking to your group members about the format for your Utopia project presentation. Per the instruction sheet, the presentation must inform your audience about the important parts of your society as well as persuade them to want to come live at your utopia. Look at Part 2 of the Utopia Project Sheet if you are still uncertain of my expectations for the presentation. All members of the group must be active participants. You will start presenting these projects by next Friday (at the latest). I have high expectations for your presentations. Today we discussed the importance of challenging yourselves and pushing yourselves to the limit when it comes to creating unique presentations. For this project, I encourage you to take some risks by trying presentation methods that are out of your comfort zone. Find ways to incorporate your individual talents in the creation of the projects. Find ways to wow your audience by engaging them and showing them things they've never dreamed possible. I want to encourage you to stray away from the "safe" presentations you've always done well. Think outside of the box and come up with something unique and exciting. You may even discover that you have a hidden talent!

I understand that not having presentation requirements completely spelled out may make some of you uncomfortable and frustrated. This is intentional. By limiting the restrictions and guidelines set on the presentations, I am opening the door for you to come up with your own unique ideas. The discomfort that you feel might actually lead you to push your own limits and think outside of the box. This sort of open-ended critical thinking is what you will need in order to succeed in the work place and as a productive member of society. Please remember, though, that I have provided some presentation options on your project sheet. I've also provided you with a rubric that tells you what I'm looking for when I grade your projects. If you have questions or concerns after reading the information, then come to me and ask me specific, well-formed questions so I can help guide you. I am not going to tell you if things are right or wrong, but I will ask you questions to guide you towards your own realizations. There is also an updated calendar on the project link Utopia Project Sheet that will help you plan how you will dedicate your work time in class.

I've seen a lot of diligent, hard-working groups who are embracing the project and are coming up with exciting, innovative ideas. Members of these groups have become fueled by the fire of creative freedom and high expectations. Thank you! On the other hand, I've noticed groups that are unproductive, confused, bickering, and complaining. Rather than fight, complain, feel sorry for yourself, or sit around like lumps, you must come together to find each other's strengths. Incorporate everyone's ideas and talents to make presentations that will blow our minds! You have the tools you need to succeed; the most important tools, however, are your brains. You are the masters of your own destiny here. Make it happen!

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