Hi all! I am so excited about your enthusiasm and effort so far this year. You are very hard-working and, from what I've observed, very supportive of one another. Please keep up the good work! Here is what we will be doing for the rest of the week:
Class: Complete literary skills pre-assessment. Begin short grammar pre-assessment. I will use this data to give you individualized attention regarding your skill level.
Homework: Read for 30 minutes. Bring Independent reading book for DEAR at PA.
Class: Mrs. Motta, Culbreth's gifted specialist, is co-teaching with me today! We will discuss annotating text and creating objective summaries to clarify and comprehend complex texts. We will model these skills with the following scholastic news article: Putin's Power Play.
Third period students will attend an author's talk in the media center. Here is more information about the NY Times bestselling author Ellen Hopkins: http://flyleafbooks.com/author-ellen-hopkins. Autographed copies can be ordered through Flyleaf Books or through the Culbreth Library.
Homework: Finish reading and annotating "Putin's Power Play." Create an objective summary for the article. Use the following strategy to help you create an objective summary. This will be due Friday for all classes.
Objective Summary Strategy:
1. Name It: the title and author
2. Verb It: explains, describes, demonstrates, displays, etc.
3. Central Idea: Synthesize the important details into one statement.
Example: The article "Zombie Apocalypse" by Jessie Grinnell explains how zombies have descended upon Carrboro and examines steps citizens can take to defend themselves from extermination.
4. Using transition statements ("In addition," "This is demonstrated by," "Because of ….,") introduce three to four more key details from the texts. Remember to state these details in your own words. This will show that you understand the material that you have read.
5. Create a concluding sentence. Consider transitions words and phrases such as "Consequently" or "As a result of" in order to complete your summary.
Class: We will discuss the Four-Square graphic organizer for the Global Conflict essay. Students will work together to define and identify different parts of a successful essay. We will review how to incorporate quotes gracefully, and will discuss effective transition phrases and summaries.
We will also collaborate with our peers to create objective summaries of complex texts. Students will be assigned one of two articles to read, annotate, and summarize objectively.
Sixth period students will attend an author's talk in the media center. Margaret Stohl is the New York Times bestselling author of the Beautiful Creatures series Here is some more information about the visit: http://flyleafbooks.com/author-ellen-hopkins. Autographed copies of the book will be able through Flyleaf Books or through the Culbreth Library.
Homework: Finish reading assigned article and summarize.
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